Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Day at the Beach

Yummy, right?

Oh, come on now. You're killing me, Phoebe.
Officially melted, I am.

Oh gorgeous girl. I'm starting to see a new you emerge.

We spent a lovely day at the beach in Ballard (Yes, Ballard!) last week as we spent a few days in Seattle to get away from all the construction at home. We missed Papa - we always do - but we coped with mornings at the beach and the zoo and just hanging with cousin Amelia, Grandma and Poppy.

I don't normally like to post pictures of myself (let alone my backside!), but I actually love this shot. I don't normally see myself as a mom since I'm so in it, you know? So to see myself with my wee babe in the carrier gives me the warm and fuzzies. There's something so primal and right about carrying my babes. I love that I'm standing at the edge of the great Puget Sound here and Phoebe's little feet pop out to remind me that I have a whole ocean's worth of love at my finger tips.

And while I revel in my family of four - there is absolutely nothing like the satisfaction and adoration we all feel when it's just me, Papa, Stella and Phoebe - there's also something indescribably perfect about being just the three of us. As a Stay-At-Home-Mom, this is my life. This is my job. This is my calling. These two little beings and I spend a whole lot of time together, growing and shifting together. There are ups and downs everyday, and I really do love it all.

I love laughing with them. I love listening to them.

I love watching them. I love being surprised by them. I love learning with them.

Above all, I love loving them.

(Thanks, Amelia, for capturing many of these shots. You are a talented photographer, girlfriend; I'm inspired by your creativity and passion.)


Tricia McIntosh said...

You are an awesome mother, and I can't imagine anyone thinking otherwise! Just look at you! You radiate such love and devotion - what lucky girls!

I love you Katherine!

Desert Lean-to said...

Seeing you with your babes is just so...right. I'm glad you posted these pictures so we can see you in full form. Beautiful.