Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Beautiful Day

I love watching these two. Lessons are learned and laughter is shared. What good buddies.

(Note how Phoebe needs to be with the big kids. It's like a magnetic pull, I swear. And Isaac is so sweet and dear with her.)

Eddie's interest in dandelions took a swift turn when he found countless mole hills. Oooooh, dirt.

Phoebe didn't mind taking a quick break from her wild play to take a picture in front of a fabulously rich red barn.

Apparently Stella did mind.

She quickly recovered.

Love and Humility

As you've probably gathered from reading this blog, Vinnie is quite the showman in our house. While our other cat Cooper provides warm affection, Vinnie provides entertainment, humor and love. He's know as Vin, Vincenzo, Little Man and one of the many Bubbas in our family. We're all a bit anxious to hear back about a biopsy from a lump he had removed last week. (We'll hopefully know more tomorrow.) And while it might seem strange to some to write about the potential heartbreak over a cat, those with four legged critters understand how deeply important they are to a family. And I can't imagine our kids without this guy. He provides our girls with endless lessons on compassion and empathy (and how to strut like you own the place). It's been wonderful watching Stella grow with Vinnie, and it's even more wonderful watching Phoebe learn from Stella and Vinnie about a special kind of gentle friendship. So we've been loving him a bit more fiercely this week, brushing him and taking naps with him and making sure he hasn't lost all his dignity from wearing that humiliating collar. And we welcome any good juju you have for our Little Man.

Out and About

Yup. She really is pushing that thing. Phoebe apparently possesses super human strength.

Perhaps she was inspired by our rare sighting of four rambunctious adolescent wolves at the zoo.
Or maybe she was moved by the graceful dexterity of the gorillas.

Or possibly she was just tired of riding in the back.

(People were actually pointing and laughing when they saw Phoebe pushing Stella in the stroller. She pushed that thing for about twenty yards and was ready for more. If it weren't for my sense of panic that someone would turn me in for violating child labor laws, she would've happily continued.)

One Going on Four

People often say that younger siblings develop faster than first children since they've have older role models running around since day one. Phoebe is no exception. This girl so wants to be a big kid. Whenever we have play dates or head to the park, Phoebe always finds her way right in the middle of the big kid play, loving every minute of it. Fortunately, the big kids in her life and her oh-so-understanding-and-patient big sister, Stella, are unbelievably cool about including her in their wild shenanigans. But even when Stella is at school and Phoebe and I have alone time at home, she just wants to dive into what she sees Stella doing day in and day out. And while I'm more than happy to oblige, I'm also holding on fiercely to the final moments of Phoebe's baby days and the fact that she still seems to revel in being my babe. So Miss Dahlia, forgive me if you find me snuggling a little more tightly and loving a little more intently.


Reading with Poppy

So sweet.

What Happens When It Rains for Months On End?

Phoebe was seriously disturbed by this new look for Mama. She ripped it off me and then tried to hide it between the couch cushions. Not a fan of Mama Mustaches. Duly noted.

A Train Ride with Everett

While in Vancouver, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit with our friends, Nathan, Sara and Everett. The kids had a great time sharing Thai food, ice cream and park play. And our visit ended with Stella and Phoebe's first train ride. Since Everett is a true train expert, it was quite fitting that we share this experience with him. Thanks for the hospitality, guys. We can't wait to see you up in the 'ham!

Great Grandparents

Last month, we packed up the kids for a trip to Vancouver, Washington to visit Great Grandpa Paul and Great Grandma Peggy. Stella and Phoebe loved entertaining us all, and we had a wonderful time catching up. We enjoyed many lovely meals together and the girls particularly loved playing in Grandma and Grandpa's fabulous yard.

Phoebe was very diligent about sticking with Grandpa as we waited for our pizza delivery.

And we were so lucky to see our dear Abby who was gracious enough to visit us in our hotel room. We love you, Abby! As Abby's Mama, Anne, told us years ago, kids really believe the hotel is the vacation. Our girls were just so thrilled to ride in an elevator over and over and to run around a fully carpeted building. Oh, and the pool...

... the pool incited crazed dancing and wide grins.