Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Laura and Her Sausages

Little House fever has hit our home. While we haven't started the full version of Laura Ingalls Wilder's classic series, we regularly read the three to four year old picture book versions. Like I was as a little girl (and millions of others), Stella is obsessed with Laura Ingalls and her life in the woods. So here is Stella on a dark winter night acting out some Little House fantasy of her own. And to help you out a bit, Stella is, of course, Laura, the curtain rod she's holding is a harvesting tool, the basket is for gathering, Phoebe is her big sister Mary (not Baby Carrie) and they are harvesting carrots, beets, brocolli and sausage.

Yes. That's right. Sausage.

Apparently Laura had a healthy appetite. Who knew?

(And Tricia and Amy, here's one of the skirts I made Stella for Christmas. She loves them and has already requested several other items. Satisfied girl; satisfied Mama.)


Desert Lean-to said...

Love that skirt! Are you making any for yourself? They'd be oh so darling...

When you do get to the full versions of the Little House series, be aware--the 1st book, Little House in the Big Woods is full of food references. Be ready for a smokehouse and a butter churn!

Tricia McIntosh said...

I love the imagination of little girls! One of my favorite memories is of my girls dressing all of their toy animals with Barbie clothes for a big parade. It was time well spent!

I love the skirt, and the ribbon edging gives it a nicely finished touch. Well done!

Love you, Tricia

Emily said...

Kath! I had to comment on this darling Little House post. LOVE! And I also had no idea that a young childrens version existed.. and now has been added to my book list :) Also, that skirt is adorable and I love the print :) Sweet babes as always, guided by wonderful parents.

emma said...

I love the SOCKS.