Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Chickpea and The Peanut: Part Two

Stella took her second plane ride this weekend as we journeyed to Berkeley again to visit our dear friends, Alex, Erik and Ava Jane. Stella traveled beautifully, befriending those who sat near us, and enjoyed watching and playing with her big girl buddy, Ava, throughout the weekend.

A sweet kiss.

Post kiss giggles.

While Stella and Ava managed pretty well considering they really don't know one another, they did hit some speed bumps along the way. Understandably, Ava felt possessive of her toys as this new kid was running around her pad. And understandably, Stella felt frustrated that she couldn't play with everything Ava had. They both had a few tough moments.

But all in all, they did beautifully and managed to share several lovely moments playing together. I know Ava will be talking about Stella for quite some time, and I know Stella learned a lot from watching a big girl like Ava. (It's crazy, but a ten week difference in age at this point is momentous.)

Stella spent a lot of time swinging in the backyard. This girl loves speed and the dizzies.

Alex and Erik were kind enough to host a mini Forest Ridge reunion on Saturday night. It was wonderful to see Nancy and Rebeka (and Brian's childhood friend, Chi-hui!). Stella loved playing with Luke, Nancy's oldest son, and was fascinated by Kirk, Nancy's new baby. It's always great to see old pals who, after living our lives separately for nearly fifteen years, still feel like dear friends.

Both Stella and Ava find dogs amazing. They're obsessed. So when Stella received a big ol' sloppy kiss from this fella at the park, she was thrilled. Her Papa and I were grossed out, but that's neither here nor there.

Cutie Patooties.

A quiet moment watching the planes land and take off.

While it's always good to be home - especially with an active toddler - we already miss our buddies. Thank you, Alex, Erik and Ava, for such a fun weekend. We love you to the moon!

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