Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Island Adventure

For Brian's final day of vacation last week, we headed to San Juan Island. We walked on the ferry with our bikes and ended up having a total blast tooling around the island with the girls. We happened to stumble upon the Pelindaba Lavender Festival which was heavenly. Between absurdly gorgeous photo ops, delicious lavender treats and fun Marimba music, we were in heaven.

Stella is the most focused and serious ice cream eater, I've ever seen...

... until she shares with her sister. Then the giggles flow.

This profile never ceases to capture my heart. Oh, those cheeks.

There are no words that capture the divinity of these curls.

Here Stella gives us a pretty smile.

And here she gets her groove on.

And here she is hysterically upstaged by her little sister.

Phoebe literally pushed her way to the front of my lens as I took this photo. I think we have a theater major on our hands here.

Affection defined.

We rode to Lime Kiln State Park to see if we could spot any Orcas (we apparently missed them by an hour or so) and then started the trek back across the island to the ferry. (Do you notice how tuckered the girls look? They managed to sleep in the trailer on the way to the ferry, completely mushed together, bobbing about with their helmets on. And do you notice the slight look of fear on our faces? We had a brutal hill to climb on our way back. But we endured Sufferfest 2011 with surprising grace and speed and made it in time. Viva La Tour!)

Ferries are just so darn cool. The girls were totally smitten with the whole journey. We'll definitely be back for more.

Our trusty rigs.

I guess the trip was a success. The day after we returned, the girls insisted they wear their helmets as they played for about an hour in the house. The Burnslers are apparently a Safety First family.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Totally cute! What a great adventure.