Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mama's Day!

Well Intentioned Sap Warning: I can't tell you how fortunate I feel to be Stella Scout's Mama. While there are certainly challenges that come with parenting such an engaged little sprite, I honestly feel as though I've won the lottery every night when I go to sleep. Thank you, Stella. You're helping me become the person I've wanted to be for so many years. You enrich my life endlessly. I love you!
Stella celebrated Mother's Day in Seattle. We visited with family, went to the zoo and played on the swings with cousins Eva Maria and Olivia. Stella Scout sends out a special Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mamas out there, especially Grandma Carol and Grandma Jannie.

Swings rock.

Stella is completely mesmerized and amused by Poppy's mustache.

Here Stella explains to Papa why the gorillas at the zoo are so fascinating. (Honestly, Stella seemed more interested in the human critters than all the animals. We understand.)

1 comment:

Alex said...

Yea for Mamahood! Stella is one lucky Peanut to have you.