Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sledding - An Opportunity To Eat Snow, Snow and More Snow
Christmas: Part III
Some artistic Christmas sass.
Christmas: Part II
That said, I took a cue from Erin over at BlueBirdBaby and have started a new tradition I think our family will enjoy for years.
A few days before Christmas, Stella and I went for a nature walk to collect the biggest and most impressive pine cones we could find. A natural gatherer, Stella was more than game. On Christmas Eve morning, the three of us rolled the pine cones in sunflower butter and bird seed and then headed to one of our favorite parks to share these treats with our bird and squirrel friends.
So despite some serious chill, we had a wonderful time walking around an obscenely beautiful forest (complete with "water mountains," aka waterfalls), listening to the birds and taking a moment to just chill out together in the fresh air before the holiday madness hit.
If you are interested in a great holiday picture book that focuses on a magical animal world and the power of sharing, check out A Sharing Christmas by Kate Westerlund and Eve Tharlet.
Christmas: Part I
And here, my friends, is the visual definition of "a good sport." You rock, Porthos.
It was a thoroughly lovely and peaceful start to our holiday; thank you Bressler family! And thank you, Jeff, for all these fabulous photos! (Check out his wonderful site here.)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
- It's been windy in our town lately, and Stella looked out the window one day and said, "Mama, the wind is making my bottom dizzy."
- "Mama! Papa! The trees are dancing!" (Yes, it's been that windy.)
- Whenever we decide to embark on a new adventure - from leaving the house to heading upstairs for a change of scenery - Stella happily yells "Chop Chop, Mama! Chop Chop, Papa!" or "Let's boog!"
- When we open the door for our first morning excursion, Stella always says, "It's refreshing out."
- Acutely aware of the differences between day and night, Stella often announces "It's getting not darker now."
- To comfort herself as we explored a park that has made her a bit edgy in the past, Stella said, "This park loves me. This park really loves me."
- "Excuse me" sounds like "Scoompies."
- During a walk to the post office, Stella sang a little song. At one point we passed a man in a black and white striped sweater walking a dog. Stella's song shifted quite naturally to include the lyrics, "Hey there, doggie. Hey there, Zebra Man."
- After Vinnie scratched me while wrestling last night, Stella walked to me and announced "I need to give you a hug, Mama. Come here."
Oh, the list is endless, and I fear I'll delve into annoying parent mode here if I continue. This list and the billion little tidbits Stella shares with us each day remind me that we're doing a pretty good job of guiding a bright, curious and polite little person and, more importantly, she is really her own character already. We're a solid scaffold for this girl, but she's climbing in her own direction and we are so ridiculously lucky to watch in awe.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The First Snow
Stella would be sorely disappointed if I failed to mention how many footprints we made on our snow walk. She was downright obsessed with making tracks and spent a good portion of our walk simply staring at the path behind us. Funny girl.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Getting Ready
Yup, Stella is excited about being a big sister. And while we're totally prepared for her to suddenly decide that having a little sister isn't always groovy, she's already proving to be a rockin' big sister. She calls the baby Junebug and is very proud to tell everyone "I'm a sister now." She says hello to Junebug every morning and often warns me "not squish Junebug, Mama!" whenever I bend to tie my shoes. And she periodically wants a Junebug in her tummy too.
Sweetness abounds.
Monday, November 30, 2009
After a long ten day stretch of the dreaded H1N1 virus, we're all on the mend. Yup, we had the pork fever, and it wreaked havoc with our lovely holiday plans this year. But alas, we made do and focused on all we have and love.
The shot above is Stella in all her fashionable glory on Thanksgiving afternoon. Since she was feeling totally recovered (she was a total champ through it all), she assumed the role of entertainer for a still recovering Papa and a whooped pregnant Mama. We talked a lot about what we are grateful for that day - our health, our humor, our friends and family, our home, our good fortune. And we were so thankful to spend a belated "Thanksgiving brunch" with the Bresslers later that weekend when we were all fever-free. (Thanks, Jan and Harte!)
Of course, Stella tops our gratitude list. Not only is she the most passionate, creative and curious kid we've encountered, her heart is growing in leaps and bounds. Or, rather, her ability to express what's in her little-big heart is increasing by the minute. And it's such a pleasure to sit back at watch in awe.
While we're eager to have the binky-fairy arrive sooner rather than later, we were all for maximum comfort during our week of feeling punk. Maximum comfort, baby. All the way.
(A HUGE thank you to all of you who called to check in and ran errands for us while we were ill. Your sympathetic ears and willingness to help was immensely comforting. Thank you!)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Perfect Morning
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Ain't Life Grand?
Yup, it's official. Big Kid Scout Bressler is going to be a big sister. This coming February, this blog will shift a bit to include another little girl who already has us smitten despite the fact that she currently resides in utero. Of course, that isn't stopping this wee one. She's already earning her keep by participating in the most raucous of conga lines in my tummy. So needless to say, we're a bit excited to meet her.
And while Stella is still just starting to wrap her brilliant but tiny head around what's coming, we know with absolute certainty that she's going to be a stellar big sister.
My, my. We are lucky, lucky, lucky.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Rainy Days
After some serious closet reorganization, we now have a handy art tote basket that moves from room to room depending on where we feel like creating. And Stella is an artist. She loves to draw and paint, and I love watching her hone in on her little zen zone as she quietly works.
Interestingly enough, Stella's favorite painting and drawing soundtrack at the moment: Michael Jackson's Off the Wall and any variation of "Cheek to Cheek."
And really, what's a rainy day without a mustache?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Giraffes and... Penguins?
For some reason, the amazing and adorable flamenco dress our dear friend Anne brought back from Spain looks like a penguin to Stella.
And I've now decided that our family Christmas gift is going to be a children's animal encyclopedia since we obviously have a few discrepancies between penguins and... well... Spanish dancers. Hmmm.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Pumpkin Goo
Stella isn't a big fan of getting dirty. As she's heard me say a thousand times, she now says "It's no big deal, Mama...?" whenever she finds herself in a goopy mess. But I can tell she's just a clean kid at heart. So when we set out to carve pumpkins this weekend with Grandma Jannie and Grandpa Harte, Stella quietly observed with great curiosity. It was so sweet to watch her try to figure out why in the world we were cutting up these perfectly good pumpkins and sticking our hands into a gloppy mess of pumpkin seeds.
But she eventually recognized that we were all having fun, so she sat back and enjoyed all the adults scooping and carving to their hearts' content.