Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sledding - An Opportunity To Eat Snow, Snow and More Snow

Since the Burns adults chose to donate to a charity this year rather than exchange gifts, we thought it would be fun to focus our attention on sharing a fun experience as we all gathered for the holiday. Sledding fit the bill. And while there was more than one snafu in arriving at a safe and available sledding spot, hilarity eventually ensued.

Stella wasn't super interested in sledding actually. Consuming vast quantities of snow under the adoring gaze of her cousins occupied most of her attention for the whole afternoon. At least we know she was well hydrated.

Our backdrop. Seriously.

And just so you know, this pregnant mama demonstrated great restraint and held back her sledding desires. But don't think winter gear that doesn't fit over a pregnant belly could stop me from trekking around in the snow. Nope. Fashion be damned. I'm joining in.

1 comment:

Cameron Miller said...

You guys look great! And, I’m excited to ‘see’ that there’s another little one in the making! Happy New Year! I hope we can catch up in 2010! Cameron