Oh, we are so grateful.
After a long ten day stretch of the dreaded H1N1 virus, we're all on the mend. Yup, we had the pork fever, and it wreaked havoc with our lovely holiday plans this year. But alas, we made do and focused on all we have and love.
The shot above is Stella in all her fashionable glory on Thanksgiving afternoon. Since she was feeling totally recovered (she was a total champ through it all), she assumed the role of entertainer for a still recovering Papa and a whooped pregnant Mama. We talked a lot about what we are grateful for that day - our health, our humor, our friends and family, our home, our good fortune. And we were so thankful to spend a belated "Thanksgiving brunch" with the Bresslers later that weekend when we were all fever-free. (Thanks, Jan and Harte!)

After a long ten day stretch of the dreaded H1N1 virus, we're all on the mend. Yup, we had the pork fever, and it wreaked havoc with our lovely holiday plans this year. But alas, we made do and focused on all we have and love.
The shot above is Stella in all her fashionable glory on Thanksgiving afternoon. Since she was feeling totally recovered (she was a total champ through it all), she assumed the role of entertainer for a still recovering Papa and a whooped pregnant Mama. We talked a lot about what we are grateful for that day - our health, our humor, our friends and family, our home, our good fortune. And we were so thankful to spend a belated "Thanksgiving brunch" with the Bresslers later that weekend when we were all fever-free. (Thanks, Jan and Harte!)
Of course, Stella tops our gratitude list. Not only is she the most passionate, creative and curious kid we've encountered, her heart is growing in leaps and bounds. Or, rather, her ability to express what's in her little-big heart is increasing by the minute. And it's such a pleasure to sit back at watch in awe.
While we're eager to have the binky-fairy arrive sooner rather than later, we were all for maximum comfort during our week of feeling punk. Maximum comfort, baby. All the way.
(A HUGE thank you to all of you who called to check in and ran errands for us while we were ill. Your sympathetic ears and willingness to help was immensely comforting. Thank you!)
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