Friday, November 4, 2011


Brian is currently competing in his second season of Cylcocross. Since he had to take last year off because of his accident, it's been really great seeing him train and compete so avidly. (And if this was a blog about him, I'd mention he's doing extremely well!) Well, Stella is not one to simply watch in the wings. Yes, she's a cyclocross racer. Here are photos of her first race. She was totally whooped by the end of the race, but she was so proud of herself. She told me that night, as we were saying our goodnights, "I'm just so wiped out, Mama. It's from all that cyclocross racing."

Oh, yeah. Did I mention that Stella has learned to ride her bike? Yeesh. These last six months have raced past me... as has Stella. She mastered the balance bike around her birthday and then quickly moved on to riding like a champ with pedals. She even biked all the way downtown this last weekend. Although I suspect she'd find a way to fly there if possible since the market always holds the promise of a honey stick.


Nathan said...

Way to go, Stella!

Tricia McIntosh said...

She looks intent on winning!