Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One Going on Four

People often say that younger siblings develop faster than first children since they've have older role models running around since day one. Phoebe is no exception. This girl so wants to be a big kid. Whenever we have play dates or head to the park, Phoebe always finds her way right in the middle of the big kid play, loving every minute of it. Fortunately, the big kids in her life and her oh-so-understanding-and-patient big sister, Stella, are unbelievably cool about including her in their wild shenanigans. But even when Stella is at school and Phoebe and I have alone time at home, she just wants to dive into what she sees Stella doing day in and day out. And while I'm more than happy to oblige, I'm also holding on fiercely to the final moments of Phoebe's baby days and the fact that she still seems to revel in being my babe. So Miss Dahlia, forgive me if you find me snuggling a little more tightly and loving a little more intently.

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