Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quiet and Constant

These two are rarely apart these days. And while Stella occasionally declares a need for space - rightly so in my eyes - she's highly attuned to Phoebe and her needs at the moment. But it's funny because it's not a flashy or loud kind of attention she gives to Phoebe. She's not that kid who brags to strangers about her baby sister or coos loudly as she lavishes Phoebe with affection. No. Her adoration and loyalty is much more quiet and calm. As she crawls into my bed each morning - Papa already gone for work and Phoebe and I snuggling after just waking ourselves - Stella quietly hands Phoebe one of her beloved stuffed animals that she sleeps with. "Here you go, Phoebe. You can have Sleepy Bear this morning." And just like that, Phoebe's whole day is made. And now that Phoebe is walking and saying more and more words - Papa, book, truck, block, fox, night night, hi - she makes for a much more interesting companion. I often find them as pictured above, both huddled around some sort of creative chaos, sorting, lining up, emptying, gathering, building and knocking down. And I'm always so overwhelmed by Stella's protective compassion and thoughtfulness when it comes to Phoebe. Again, she's not loud about it, and it has nothing to do with "doing the right thing" or impressing anyone. It's genuine and heartfelt, and I couldn't be more smitten.

And there's nothing like hearing your girls laughing uncontrollably together in the other room... only to see them coming around the corner like this. Sigh.