Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Dark

Vinnie got out last night. Stella was about to put on her pajamas but decided she needed to help Papa find our little Houdini. It was hysterical listening to Stella's banter as she helped. (This is pretty much what she said verbatim.)

"I'm helping. I need to help. Oooh! He's right there, Papa! He's right there! Vinnie. Vinnie. Vinnie!"

"That's right, Papa. Just step right in. Go get him. Step in. There you go. Oh. Did you get him?"

"I'm followin' Papa. Yes, I'm followin' Papa. It's dark, but I'm not afraid of the dark. Maybe we'll see a shooting star or a bat. I'm not afraid. It's just dark. Did you find him, Papa? Vinnie!"

We eventually caught Vinnie, and then....

Did you catch it? At thirteen seconds, Stella turns around and yells "I'm so proud of myself!" And oh my goodness, the minute mark absolutely slays me. I think we have a Barrymore on our hands.


emma said...

It IS a warm weeeeeend indeed!
But I love it when she says "I'm comin' back!"

Alex said...

That cracks me up. The papa around here isn't so calm when he has to rustle up a cat in the dark. It usually involves tools and cursing...

Desert Lean-to said...

Consider me officially slayed as well. I love the encouraging self talk. What a strong sprite!