So the other day, as I was preparing lunch and Stella was drawing, she suddenly exclaimed, "MAMA!!!!!" She was beside herself with excitement and, as I realized a moment later, pride. As I walked toward her beaming little face, she screamed out...
I hate that I immediately crumpled into a Hallmark cliche and nearly started crying. But geez, to see our beloved feel such pride and to see the impressive reason for that pride was pretty darn moving.
And you've gotta love the sort of Tin Tin-needing-reassurance quality of the smiley face. And what a wicked pony tail.
So we draw a lot of smiley faces now, and we're moving onto mountains and waves and even a few letters. And sure, Stella sometimes masters one object and then has trouble duplicating such genius - I think Matisse had the same problem - but she's thoroughly immersing herself in a world of color and form and creativity which is all we can ask for, right?
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