One of the things we love about Stella is how she throws herself into every activity with such whole-hearted enthusiasm. (Sure, we know most two year olds do this. But come on, she's ours and we're supposed to brag. Right?) From making make-believe muffins in her play kitchen to looking for ants in the garden to enjoying a picnic dinner outside this evening, Stella embraces everything in this life with bravado and joy. And such zest - yes, zest - is contagious, thank goodness. Yet again, this spectacular kids pulls off the incredible feat of reminding two tired but jazzed parents how lucky we are to simply wake up to this pretty rockin' world.

These pictures kill me. They almost concern me. When did my wee Scout start preparations for the Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest? And who taught her to chug like a keg-loving pro? Too funny. In any case, Stella's enthusiasm for EVERYTHING and her exploding imagination is keeping us super busy and oh-so-entertained. (Stay tuned for a full report on Stella and her new buddy Peter. Yes, an incredibly tiny but fantastically important make-believe rabbit from the land of Beatrix Potter now resides in our home. And Stella is beyond thrilled.... more later.)