I recently picked up some great toddler-friendly rock crayons that are easy on the earth as well as a kid's tummy. (I'm a hybrid - an idealist and a realist.) We spend about forty minutes each morning "coloring." She's slowly starting to understand the relationship between crayon and paper, but she's frankly more interested in how each crayon feels and smells. She's also super interested in sorting these days. So taking the crayons out of her special crayon tin and then putting them back causes sheer delight.
Stella has focused most of her energy over the last fifteen months on her physical development, but her language skills are starting to emerge. While she has her slowly expanding list of words - Mama, hot (pronounced "dot"), door, meow, woof woof, choo choo, Isaac (I know, crazy, huh?), Da Da (used for Papa and for telling Vinnie to get off the counter) and no - she's starting to play with sounds in a new way. I've really noticed that when we color, she talks more. She focuses on the crayons and just starts gabbing. I know, I know. Every parent thinks their kid's sounds are adorable. We're no different.
1 comment:
Katherine, I check out Stella's web site every day, looking to see what she's up to, because a few weeks after Stella does something, my granddaughter Taylor does the exact same thing! It's fun to see what's on the horizon. I see that the crayon rocks are out of stock and am wondering if you ordered them online or found them locally? Taylor loves rocks and would love these crayons! Marilyn (I work with Harte)
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