Oh, how I miss you! I know you've only been in the Netherlands since Saturday, but it sure feels like it's been ages since we last hugged. And that's just too long.
Mama and I have had a wonderfully busy week so far. Right after we waved bye bye to you at the airport, we drove to Seattle to visit Grandma and Poppy. We had a blast. We got to have dinner with Uncle Bob and Cindie (and Christine and Abel) and explore their house. What fun it is to take everything off of shelves and tables! We also got to see Uncle Chris, Aunt Lisa, Olivia and Eva Maria and Charles on Sunday during brunch. Poppy made his famous pancakes - YUM! - and I got to play with my big girl cousins at the park. I also got to see television for the first time. Mama only let me watch about five minutes, but I was captivated! You can see me above absolutely enthralled as Eva Maria and Olivia giggle. What fun.
I had a really fun time exploring the zoo with Mama and Poppy on Monday. We saw grizzly bears and a super cute grey fox, but my favorite parts were seeing the otters swim and riding the carousal like a big girl. It was my first ride and I waved to Poppy and watched all the other horses move up and down. It was amazing.
Mama and I drove home yesterday to see Vinnie and Cooper. I gave Vinnie a gigantic hug and kiss when I arrived. He seemed pretty pleased to see me. I tried to kiss Cooper but she ran. She's so funny.
Grandma Jannie came over today and I got to show her my Spanish picture book. Did you know she gives really nice hugs? I'm excited to play with her again tomorrow when Mama takes a few hours for herself. (I have no idea what that means. What could she ever do without me?)
This week has sure been fun, Papa, but I miss you. Mama tells me you love me to the stars and beyond every morning and every night. I know it's true. I love you too. I can't wait to show you all my new tricks and give you bug cuddles. Mama says you're coming home soon. Hurry, Papa. Hurry.
I love you!
Your little bean,
Stella Scout
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