Okay. So this isn't Stella here. But we figure her Poppy's well deserved retirement merits top billing for Poppy himself. Poppy celebrated with an absolutely lovely afternoon party in the garden with family and friends. All his beloveds gathered for great company, delicious food and, of course, to celebrate this new beginning. Both Brian and I deeply admire Poppy's honesty, integrity and common sense both professionally and personally. And hey, Stella already thinks he's pretty grand. Congratulations Poppy!

Stella absolutely loves her Auntie Tricia. They giggled all afternoon.

Best Buds.

Once Uncle Bob and Aunt Cindie helped Stella learn how to swing, there was no stopping her.

"Hey! Nobody told me these things grow on vines. Does anyone know how to pick this thing?"

The handsome couple.

Stella loved flirting with her honorary Auntie Maria.


... a Boo
(Stella is just out of frame here. Cousin Charles isn't that "creative.")

To top off the afternoon, we celebrated Auntie Lisa's birthday in the garden. We love you, Lisa! Happy Happy!

Stella and I headed down to Seattle before all the festivities to enjoy a few days with Grandma and Poppy. She loved relaxing on the porch swing every evening, watching planes fly by and neighbors taking their evening strolls. She also got to see her first official art exhibit at the
Seattle Art Museum. She was thoroughly amused by waving at the paintings in the Impressionist exhibit and had a ball waving at people on the street while sitting by the window at
Taste, the museum restaurant. (She charmed just about everyone who passed by, included countless tourists and a particularly chipper Pomeranian.)

We visited the
Woodland Park Zoo, and Stella got to pet a goat! It's a good thing she's had all that practice with Vinnie.

Stella is determined that Poppy relax during his new life as a retired Grandpa. Here she is helping him ease into a calmer and more peaceful life with a little push.
Swing, Poppy. Swing.
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