Saturday, December 29, 2007

It's a Wonderful Life

Merry Christmas! Stella Scout enjoyed a fabulous first Christmas. It was incredible fun for us to watch Stella marvel at all the lights and festivities and even more fun to see her grandparents, aunties and uncles and cousins soak up our little sprite.

Stella now vigorously puts everything, and we do mean everything, in her mouth.

Check out Stella's stylie new duds. She's becoming quite the fashionista.

Here Stella prepares for the Santa's Elves Convention 2007.

It was a year ago this Christmas that we shared the news with our families that we were expecting. It blows our minds that Stella is now here and such an amazing part of all our lives.

Right before Christmas, Stella was lucky enough to meet her Great Uncle Ed.

Hangin' with the big girls.

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Amelia said...
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