The starfishes were different...
...the water was warm...
...and the cousins were a blast.
Our trip to Charleston was just plain great. I feel like at this point, I'm that annoying person who keeps telling folks how great our vacation was and how we can't wait to do it again. But there you go. I'll be that person. It was great. And we can't wait to do it again.
One of the highlights for Stella was taking daily kayak rides with James and Jim in the marsh behind our house. Not only was it beautiful, but it was time with her favorite bud - James, we miss you! - while spotting countless gorgeous birds and turtles.
And even though I could tell Stella was a tad disappointment when her predicted catch of "millions of crabs" turned out to be only three, catching crabs with James' Granddaddy was a hoot.
Looking fabulous in their new Folly Beach dresses.
And have I said how great it was to reunite with Kathy? Oh. I love that girl so. She's one of my favorite people around, and it was beyond lovely to watch her and the girls connect...
... and for us to get our inner goof on.
(Some things don't change, do they? Hallelujah.)
Talk about lovely. Seriously, these ladies are pretty fabulous, rockin' the beach as aunties and grandmas.
There are simply no words for this. Pure, unabashed cuteness. Oh, she was so happy here.
This reminds me of Stella in Costa Rica. Phoebe was fairly tentative with the ocean for most of the trip, only dipping her toes in and chasing the waves back and forth with the tide. But as the days wore on, she gathered her courage, enough to walk in a bit more. By the end of the trip, she enjoyed some big splashes with Mama, giggling and screaming "Woah! That was a big one, Mama!" with each wave. She listens to herself, this one. And I'm so very thankful for that.
Joanie and Stace. Chatting and sunning. Sunning and chatting.
Our mermaid.
And her buddy.
Saying goodbye to that beautiful Atlantic.
And despite a horrendous (overnight) delay on our way home, the girls were amazing little travelers from start to finish.
Thank you to all our family for their hospitality and their humor. We love you and can't wait for the next reunion... West Coast perhaps?