We pre-funked our holiday celebrations this year with a long overdue trip to Berkeley to visit our dear friends, Alex and Erik and their fabulous girls, Ava and Hazel. And this picture above captures the bulk of my visual memories of the trip. While Stella and Ava have met and played in the past, this trip marked their first big kid visit, and they were fast friends the minute we walked in the door.

The big kids and their papas braved the unusual Berkeley rains for some outdoor fun.
Phoebe and Hazel swapped accessories and smiles. (What smiley, happy loves, huh?)
Baking and love...
...taken to a whole new level.

And us Burnslers were in geeked out heaven when Alex, Erik and the girls took us to the Berkeley campus to see the full scale dinosaur bones. I swear the three of us - Phoebe is still a bit oblivious to the coolness of the dino world - were running around with huge grins on our faces. (This Mama fully admits to feeling almost high from seeing a parasaurolophus skull in person. I'm really not kidding.)
And this is what I love about three year old girls. They demand to wear tutus and leotards and dance until they're sweaty, but they're also totally enthralled by a Tyrannosaurus skeleton. Balance, indeed.
So thank you, Alex, Erik, Ava and Hazel. You made all of us feel right at home by sharing your home and a whole lotta love. We miss you already and can't wait for our next adventure. We love you!