Well, we finally took the plunge and headed into the woods with the kids. Brian took a week off recently, and we camped for several nights up near Mt. Baker. And while our experience failed to match the awe-inspiring athletic highs and alpine vistas we remember as a childless couple (see here), we made out okay with s'mores, chipmunk friends, constellation stories and a rare mountain goat sighting.

Phoebe really did have a good time. Trust me.

See? She's diggin' it.

What is it about throwing rocks into water? I find myself totally enthralled along side Stella as we talk about rock colors and size and who can find the most heart-shaped stones. (I swear these are the moments I will remember most as I look back on my kids' childhood. The birthday parties and grand ceremonies are special, for sure, but it's in these quiet and ordinary moments that their true selves emerge so genuinely.)

I love this guy. (I love the babe, too.)

A sleepy snack. Gotta love camping fashion.

Yes, we brought the walker. And yes, Phoebe loved it. After being held for so much of each day, she was thoroughly relieved each night when we put her in the walker for a spell. And what a great perch to watch the fire crackle and her big sister prepare for s'mores.
Can she get any cuter? Geez.
The glory of anticipation.

The beauty of satisfaction.
On our final day, we headed for Artists Point near Mount Baker. And while Brian and I were oohing and aahing over the glorious sights, Stella just wanted to eat snow. All afternoon.
Phoebe was totally chill as we came upon a view of about thirty five mountain goats across the valley. They were pretty spectacular - lounging, climbing and grazing.

And this picture tickles me to no end. It seems like Stella and Phoebe really bonded on this trip. It's been great watching Stella warm up to her little sister slowly, but something shifted on this trip. She's now very protective and attentive to the wee Phoebe. And only when I lifted my head from the viewfinder did I realize that my girls were holding hands - totally unprompted - as I clicked away. Oh, sweetness.

So while we didn't scale any peaks and we slept in a tent the size of Texas, we had a blast and are already planning for our next camping adventure.