Monday, August 30, 2010

Phoebe is Happy

Early morning puffy-eyed sister love. Gotta love it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bruised But Loved

Auntie Tricia came to visit this week, and we all had such a lovely time.

As many of you know, we've had a rough couple of weeks. After our wonderful week of vacation, Brian was in a pretty rough biking accident where he suffered a significant concussion, a broken collarbone and countless bumps and bruises. The good news is he's going to be okay. (Hallelujah he was wearing his helmet.) The tough news is that he's in a sling (and unable to hold his beloved babes) for six to eight weeks.

But Brian is strong, and he's already healing beautifully. I see big improvements with each passing day. But it's been a doozy, and I find myself crashing each night with a level of fatigue I don't think I've ever felt before. But I'm also feeling a sense of purpose and focus I've never felt before. My partner - my best friend and love of my life - needs me. I'm there. My sensitive and precocious Stella needs me. I'm there. My ridiculously joyous Phoebe needs me. I'm there. And while I'm whooped beyond belief, I'm also humbled by the grace and generosity of friends and family. People have been leaving meals on our doorstep left and right. Phone calls and postcards have buoyed our spirits. And playmates have arrived just in time to help Stella feel a semblance of normalcy. We feel rich in love right now - cheesy but true - and we thank all of you for all your love and support.

And that brings me back to Trish. Auntie Tricia came to visit and we thoroughly enjoyed just hanging out and soaking up her wonderfully calm and loving energy. (You can't fight it, Tricia. You're a good egg, and I have so much to learn from you.)

While Brian rested, we took the girls to Larabee State Park. Stella swam amongst the crabs...

...while Auntie shaded and played with Phoebe. After one of the longest and hardest weeks of my adult life, it was such a gift to sit in front of the beautiful water and just be with someone who knows, supports and loves me.

Thank you, Tricia. You mean the world to me and my family. We love you!


After a few weeks of tight-lipped refusal, Phoebe has discovered the joys of food. The mess is honestly a little out of control with this one, but it's a hilarious and worthwhile mess.

The Last Days of Summer

Watching my kids at the beach brings back such a flood of memories for me. Growing up with the Florida and Jersey coast meant so much to me. When I see Stella running in the sand with such unabashed joy, pretending she's Ladybug Girl (her favorite alter ego at the moment), I'm immediately catapulted back to my childhood. The beach is home to me. It's where I'm reminded of how unimportant and important it all is. And there's nothing like that totally tuckered out feeling you have when you hit the pillow at night after a long day in the windy, salty fresh air.

Into the Woods

Well, we finally took the plunge and headed into the woods with the kids. Brian took a week off recently, and we camped for several nights up near Mt. Baker. And while our experience failed to match the awe-inspiring athletic highs and alpine vistas we remember as a childless couple (see here), we made out okay with s'mores, chipmunk friends, constellation stories and a rare mountain goat sighting.

Phoebe really did have a good time. Trust me.

See? She's diggin' it.

What is it about throwing rocks into water? I find myself totally enthralled along side Stella as we talk about rock colors and size and who can find the most heart-shaped stones. (I swear these are the moments I will remember most as I look back on my kids' childhood. The birthday parties and grand ceremonies are special, for sure, but it's in these quiet and ordinary moments that their true selves emerge so genuinely.)

I love this guy. (I love the babe, too.)

A sleepy snack. Gotta love camping fashion.

Yes, we brought the walker. And yes, Phoebe loved it. After being held for so much of each day, she was thoroughly relieved each night when we put her in the walker for a spell. And what a great perch to watch the fire crackle and her big sister prepare for s'mores.

Can she get any cuter? Geez.

The glory of anticipation.

The beauty of satisfaction.

On our final day, we headed for Artists Point near Mount Baker. And while Brian and I were oohing and aahing over the glorious sights, Stella just wanted to eat snow. All afternoon.

Phoebe was totally chill as we came upon a view of about thirty five mountain goats across the valley. They were pretty spectacular - lounging, climbing and grazing.

And this picture tickles me to no end. It seems like Stella and Phoebe really bonded on this trip. It's been great watching Stella warm up to her little sister slowly, but something shifted on this trip. She's now very protective and attentive to the wee Phoebe. And only when I lifted my head from the viewfinder did I realize that my girls were holding hands - totally unprompted - as I clicked away. Oh, sweetness.

So while we didn't scale any peaks and we slept in a tent the size of Texas, we had a blast and are already planning for our next camping adventure.

Six Months

Six months.

Six months?

Oh yeah. Six months.

Six months and ready to fly.

We celebrated Phoebe's six month birthday earlier this month with great love and affection for all this little sprite has brought to our lives. Upon Stella's enthusiastic suggestion, we celebrated with oatmeal cookies and songs. Phoebe, as always, was totally thrilled to be part of the hullabaloo, and Stella was more than happy to share the recent birthday spotlight with her little sister. Brian and I? Well, we just scratched our heads in bewilderment. How can time fly so fast?

We adore you, Miss Phoebe Dahlia, and can't imagine life without your sweet, happy self. You make our family complete, and we love, love, love you.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Day at the Beach

Yummy, right?

Oh, come on now. You're killing me, Phoebe.
Officially melted, I am.

Oh gorgeous girl. I'm starting to see a new you emerge.

We spent a lovely day at the beach in Ballard (Yes, Ballard!) last week as we spent a few days in Seattle to get away from all the construction at home. We missed Papa - we always do - but we coped with mornings at the beach and the zoo and just hanging with cousin Amelia, Grandma and Poppy.

I don't normally like to post pictures of myself (let alone my backside!), but I actually love this shot. I don't normally see myself as a mom since I'm so in it, you know? So to see myself with my wee babe in the carrier gives me the warm and fuzzies. There's something so primal and right about carrying my babes. I love that I'm standing at the edge of the great Puget Sound here and Phoebe's little feet pop out to remind me that I have a whole ocean's worth of love at my finger tips.

And while I revel in my family of four - there is absolutely nothing like the satisfaction and adoration we all feel when it's just me, Papa, Stella and Phoebe - there's also something indescribably perfect about being just the three of us. As a Stay-At-Home-Mom, this is my life. This is my job. This is my calling. These two little beings and I spend a whole lot of time together, growing and shifting together. There are ups and downs everyday, and I really do love it all.

I love laughing with them. I love listening to them.

I love watching them. I love being surprised by them. I love learning with them.

Above all, I love loving them.

(Thanks, Amelia, for capturing many of these shots. You are a talented photographer, girlfriend; I'm inspired by your creativity and passion.)


It's the understatement of the year to claim that Stella is excited to be three. She's thrilled; she's proud; she's driven to rolling down hills with exuberant joy. This kid is three is she's ready to tell the world. (She also tells some folks she's nine, so there.)

Despite an unexpected and chilly drizzle, we had a great time celebrating Stella's third birthday with friends and family. Stella partied with her best buds at our favorite park, and she was more than happy to continue the festivities back at home with a family dinner. When I asked her at the end of the day what her favorite part of the day was, this was her reply: "My heart-shaped cake, seeing everyone I love and rolling down the hill at the park." A good life, huh?

Thanks to everyone who contributed to a yummy potluck. I think the bagels and cream cheese were a hit.





There's an ease around these two that kills me. Sure, they occasionally struggle as most best buds do. But they totally get one another. And crawling down the giant hill like jaguars was immediately embraced by both.

(I had to, Amelia. I just had to.)

Phoebe was a great sport, braving the cold in the arms of many beloveds.

(And again, I had to, Mom. I had too. You're just too darn cute.)

And lest you think all the fun was had by three year olds, think again. Yes. These mature and accomplished adult mothers decided it was a good idea - a fun idea even - to cartwheel down the giant hill. I have nothing to say but this - Happy Birthday, Stella Scout! I will cartwheel to the ends of the earth for you. I love you. I love you. I love you.