Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Big Love

Trying to capture a squirmy ten month old and a squirrelly three year old is, well, pretty much impossible. But as I look back at some of our Christmas card attempts, I came across this one and realized this totally captures Stella and Phoebe. Oh, these girls. They are definitely the most dynamic co-workers I've ever had, and I'm beginning to think they enjoy keeping us on our toes. But man, they take my breath away.

Mount Baker

For one of Stella's advent calendar treats last weekend, we went sledding. Seeing the delight in her face when we told her what we were doing that day was so sweet. And despite the chill, it was a gorgeous day up on Mount Baker. The girls were total troopers, coping with the drive beautifully and braving the sledding slopes like pros. Phoebe was a bit like a stuffed blueberry - more bundled than ever - but she was always smiling after riding with her big sister. And Stella? I think she'd be happy to sled everyday now.

Driver's Ed starts early in Washington.



Friday, December 3, 2010

Above and Below

Shamefully dear, right?

A Girl and Her Cat

This was not staged. This was not rigged. And this cat was not held against his will. He sat in this little box with this little girl for over fifteen minutes. Happily.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pants Are Overrated

Climbing is tough work...

...made much easier without pants.

I know this shot is blurry, but I love it. This is totally Phoebe. So proud. So psyched. So thrilled to be here. And OH MY GOODNESS, THOSE CHEEKS!!!

Little Sprite

We don't watch TV in our house. But the washing machine? It's a surefire hit with every baby. Phoebe has been so present and keen since she arrived, but she's really developing into her own little sprite these days. While teething and a stuffy cold have her more whooped than normal, she still has such a lovely disposition. She's such an affectionate and smiley child, and I still find myself thoroughly entranced by her ability to charm anyone and everyone who crosses her path.

Can't you just tell she's got something to say? Watch out.

Gobble Gobble

We had a quick but lovely visit with the Burns clan for Thanksgiving this year. This is the first year that Stella seems truly aware of the holidays which has been fun. And as always, she was beyond smitten with her big girl cousins. Hannah, Amelia, Cheyanne, Eva Maria and Olivia were all so great with both Stella and Phoebe, sharing the love and giggles. And Stella was in heaven with a full on art fest after the big meal. A lovely holiday, for sure.

(I love how Phoebe always finds Stella's hand. Walking in the double stroller, reading stories, taking pictures - she's sure to find comfort in big sister's paw.)

This girl loves her Papa.


Stella can now pick up and carry Phoebe. Needless to say, there are moments when Phoebe thinks this is a hoot, and there are moments when she looks as though she's about to puke. (It could have something to do with toddler hand placement. Baby Heimlich, anyone?) With Phoebe on the verge of walking, I can tell Stella can see into the future of fun coming her way. A playmate that walks? Wait until she starts talking. I suspect Phoebe will give Stella a run for her money.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Oh, this cutie gets sweeter by the minute, and I think we've entered one of my favorite baby phases - nine months. Phoebe's development is rapid these days. She's pulling herself up to a standing position - using everything and anything as a prop - she climbs the stairs with steady determination and is showing her rascally side more and more. And the nine month cling-to-Mama phase is in full swing. (I can't say that I mind, Little One.) She's such a love, this one, snuggling with Mama, squealing for Papa and following her big sister eagerly. It's all going by a little too quickly this time around, so we're savoring each moment and phase as much as possible.

Doing Something Right

The rains have hit, and we've taken to our fall routine indoors. The other day, as I was finishing up our lunch clean-up, I suddenly realized the house was super quiet despite the fact that both girls were awake. I quietly walked from room to room and found Stella and Phoebe both reading in separate rooms. Immersed. Engaged. Content. Sigh.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sick Day

We had a sick day today.

I swear Stella's immune system is made of Teflon. The girl just doesn't get sick. The rest of us could be hacking up a lung and Stella never catches a sniffle. Until yesterday. Stella came home from school yesterday feeling whooped and ended up feverish and punk for the rest of the day. We were very mellow today, but this kid got some serious get-better-energy by hamming it up for the camera. (Please note that the following pictures were taken by me but entirely directed and orchestrated by Stella. Also note that every single block, Lego and animal is in the background of these pictures. Oh, the worlds we created today. Healing prompts some serious creativity. And finally, please note that Stella Scout is feeling just fine now, thank you very much.)

Teething face. Sad face.

Teething face. Silly face.

Teething face. Feel better face.

Happy face. Happy face.


I suppose most of you have gathered that Stella would be some sort of ladybug creature for Halloween. She's been wearing her wings for weeks now, and it was quite a treat to pull out all the stops with her full costume. For months now, Stella has been dreaming of being Ladybug Girl, her absolute favorite character. She has all her books, loves pouring over the pictures and pretty much demands that we call her Lulu on a regular basis. And I speak for Brian and I when I say we couldn't be more thrilled that Stella has such a bold, smart and confident alter ego. So bring on the Bug Squad. We're in.

Halloween was pretty low key around here. Stella pretty much understood the holiday to mean that she got to dress up in her costume for about a month beforehand. So the day was just another bit of dress up. We met up with the usual suspects - Isaac (and now Eddy!), Scarlet (and now Evy!) and Nali. The kids had a blast running around in Fairhaven as half the town showed up in full costume.

Phoebe was supposed to be a little ladybug sidekick, but it was sadly too cold. Her little sack of a costume didn't really accommodate the necessary layers of fleece and wool. So we improvised and fortunately had a little dragon snow suit (Thank you, Aunt Ann!) that the wee Phoebster rocked. (And, as you'll see, so did every other baby in town. What is it with dragons and babies?)

The expanding crew.

(Little Evy was too comfy on her Mama to disturb for a photo op.)


This shot kills me. For yet another Halloween, Stella is totally grossed out by the whole pumpkin carving tradition. She's into the picking, designing and lighting of the pumpkin. But the carving? Ewww. Double grody, super ick ewww. Look at her. It's as if Brian is gutting a moose rather than scooping out a gourd.

But a hollowed out pumpkin is a bit easier to handle. So the artist starts dreaming of her vision...

... and comes up with this. She wanted a happy pumpkin.

And a happy pumpkin she got.

And Phoebe gabbed my ear off the whole time. What a little jabber booty.

Blurry Love

It's the ordinary nights that blow my mind lately. As Stella and I say, "I feel like my heart is going to explode" at times, watching the girls dance around the kitchen, talking and squawking, as Brian and I clean up after dinner. No matter what kind of day we've had - and we've had some stellar days lately - our nights have a groove and a rhythm that is so predictable and so comforting. Sure, we have our rituals and routines during the day, but the fact that it's all four of us at night is just so lovely.

Brian shot these pictures the other night after we had finished up cleaning and were just hanging out on the floor of the kitchen. As I've mentioned before, I so rarely see myself as a Mama since I'm so in it. And I'm often the one behind the camera. So seeing these truly candid moments where the girls are loving on me is so sweet and so tender.

I love how Stella is so her own person at this point. She's Stella Scout, and she's ready to conquer the world. But yeah, a squeeze from Mama is always a good thing. And all the emotional stretching and growing we experienced over the summer is really paying off. She's demonstrating such a mature sense of clarity when it comes to expressing her emotions. We couldn't be more proud.

And Phoebe? This kid is a lover, I tell ya. She adores most everyone she meets and charms the socks off the grumpiest of the grumps. But she and I? We've got a love thing going on that could move mountains. Launch ships. Create world peace. So I love these blurry, impromptu shots of my girls grabbing me, loving me and giving me the privilege of loving them.

So Lovely

Oh, Stella. You are growing so quickly, turning into quite the young lady. So curious. So bright. So thoughtful. So sensitive. So hilarious. So wise. I could stare at you and those lovely hazel eyes for centuries.

We've Got a Mover!

Yup. We've got a mover on our hands. And watch out. Phoebe is taking full advantage of our circuilar floor plan, scooting, sliding and crawling all over the place. She's just starting to pull up on furniture and is pretty darn proud of all she can do. And, just like her sister, she's thoroughly frustrated that she can't just get up and run. Oh, but all in time, Little One. All in time.


Lest you think we don't have teething rings, let me just say Phoebe is an equal opportunity teether. Everything and anything is free game as far as this little teether goes. At nearly nine months, Phoebe finally has two bottom teeth. She's a tight lipped little critter, so we've only had a handful of true sightings, but she (and we) are quite relieved the first bout of teething is over.

Friday, October 22, 2010

To The Patch

Who doesn't love a good pumpkin patch? It's bizarre. It's beautiful. It's ridiculously fun. Add kids to the mix? A total blast. We have a great patch in the county that has quickly become one of our favorite spots and events all year. We gathered with dear friends this year for hayrides, pumpkin hunting, corn mazing, apple picking and pie. And the weather here has been downright glorious which only added to the fun.

Eddie and Phoebe hit the pumpkin wagon with great awe and wonder. (It's still such a trip to watch these little humans experience these things for the first time. I mean, if you really think about it, a pumpkin is kind of strange. Huge. Wonky. Orange. They were totally enthralled.)

Papa Love

Stella and her posse - Isaac and Nali. It's such a pleasure watching these kids grow together. Thanks to inherently lovely dispositions and fabulous parents, they compliment one another beautifully.

For the camera.

For us.

I think Stella would have spent hours picking apples had we let her. Is there anything more wholesome than wandering an apple orchard with kids?