Thursday, April 24, 2008

Who Me?

Yup. We've got a stander on our hands.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

From Sun to Snow

On Monday, Mama and I sat out in the yard and played because Mama said it was too gorgeous to be inside. She told me that the sun was finally here, and that we're going to have an amazing spring and summer. She seemed pretty darn excited.
This weekend, it snowed! Mama and Papa seemed downright grumpy about it all, muttering something about moving to Hawaii. Instead of moving, we bundled up, tried out our new backpack and walked around Lake Padden.
I am now called Nanook.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Mover and a Shaker

We've got a mover and a shaker! Last night, Brian found Stella in the middle of the night sitting up in her crib all by herself. All day today she's been practicing her new skill, moving from crawling position to downward dog - yup, she's a little yogi - and into a sitting position all by herself. She's one determined babe.

Since Stella is now crawling all over the house, she's getting into everything. She seems to be particularly interested in pulling all of Mama's books off the shelves and exploring. She always goes for Howard's End and Fight Club. Hmmm. Just like Mama.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Bit of Sun

It was a beautiful weekend here in Bellingham, and Stella and I took full advantage of the great weather. While Papa worked on Saturday, we spent the afternoon at the Marina with Isaac and his folks, Lena and Kris. Stella is now crawling around, so she had a blast investigating each blade of grass, chowing at a picnic for the first time and watching all the kites flying and big kids playing.

At one point, I turned around to find Stella just lounging in the grass, enjoying the sunshine. It was so nice to see her soak up the heat after such a long and drizzly winter.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lions and Tigers and... Ducks

Stella visited the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle for the first time this week. While she seemed mildly interested in the giraffes and monkeys, she seemed super intrigued by the ducks. The biggest treat of all was hanging out with Grandma Carol, Auntie Tricia, Auntie Lisa and all four of her big girl cousins.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Whenever we can't find Stella's binky after her naps, we dutifully check her beloved mop of hair. Lo and behold, it's often stuck to the poor peanut's head. Of course, she doesn't seem to mind much at all. What a goofball.