Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sister Love

My hope is that they'll always know it feels better to hug than hurt.

My hope is that they hold each other fiercely when they need love and understanding.

My hope is that they give each other space when they need love and understanding.

My hope is that they forgive one another for who they are and what they do.

My hope is that they'll make fun of me and Brian together. (For two giggling daughters are easier to swallow than one.)

My hope is that they'll couch their honesty with gentle compassion but that they'll always always always tell each other the truth.

My hope is that they'll hold one another accountable.

My hope is that they'll let each other be stupid and clumsy and crazy as long as they handle other people's hearts with care.

My hope is that they hold hands when they're older.

My hope is that they tell each other I Love You every time they talk.

My hope is that they still find each other as amusing and lovely when they're old bitties as they do now.


I always think my kids are adorable. Pretty. Lovely. (Well, mostly.) Charming.

But sometimes I find myself almost struggling to breathe for a moment. My breath is literally taken away. I can't stand it. My heart hurts, and I realize it's because I'm witnessing a beauty I don't fully understand and can't live without. It's a good kind of hurt. One I find myself looking for in those hard or banal moments of mothering. Thankfully, they abound these days, and I am awed and humbled that I am witness to such effortless and innate beauty.

Grimley Lives

He would be so proud.

A Healthy Appetite


Nope, she's a healthy eater, this one. And she likes helping me unload the groceries. I turn by back on Phoebe, and she's usually pulling out the blueberries or chomping on a cabbage. Yee ha!

A Visit from Everett

This last weekend, we were lucky enough to have Nathan, Sara and Everett visit during a rather soggy "Summer" weekend. Even though Stella and Everett only see one another about once or twice a year, they got along famously. It was really fun to watch Stella so naturally assume the role of gracious and welcoming host. And Everett was a trooper in new and unfamiliar digs, playing, laughing and gaming like a pro. It's so gratifying to see Stella at this point in life. When I stand back I can really see all her (and our) hard work as far as manners, compassion and socialization. These kids are so capable and so sophisticated, and it's a real joy to observe. Thanks, Nathan and Sara, for making the trek. We hope to see you soon!

Father's Day

While this isn't the best picture (Sorry, Brian and Harte!), I really love how well it demonstrates how Stella and Phoebe are surrounded by such wonderfully loving men. In their presence, they are learning how to dig into life with gusto, hold a conversation with panache and recognize that they deserve a person's full attention and respect in this life.

And Happy Father's Day to Brian, by far the most committed, loyal and exuberant Papa I've ever witnessed. You've set the bar high, Brian, and I'm constantly amazed and inspired by all you bring to our lives. I love you.

The Graduate

Two weeks ago, we trekked down to Aberdeen to celebrate our beloved niece Hannah's high school graduation. This young woman is a powerhouse of determination and hard work, and we were so honored to be part of her graduation experience. And it was really cool to watch Tricia and Mike soak up all their hard work as parents. They've raised a beautiful and confident young woman, and we're all very excited for Hannah in this next phase of life.

(It was especially trippy for me to attend Hannah's graduation since she actually attended my high school graduation so many years ago. She was exactly Phoebe's age. What a gift to part of these cycles in life. And yes, I'm feeling old now.)

Of course, the grandparents were beaming.

And the not-so-little little sister was super psyched.

Aunties and Uncles cheered and hooted. (Okay, Cindie and I hooted. Bob and Chris probably clapped.)

And cousins smiled and entertained.

The dear boyfriend supported and loved.

The cousins snuggled and hugged. (Stella is in big cousin heaven here.)

And animal crackers (and a very attentive and loving cousin) afforded patience and calm during the ceremony.

The Scout ran laps (while Phoebe walked the perimeter of the field with total focus.)

And surprise, surprise - The babe charmed and amused.

Congratulations, Hannah Jo. We love you to the moon!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Girls


Striped pajamas.

Goofy faces.

I swear these are the most dynamic and inspiring coworkers I've ever had.

Lucky me.

A Parade

We hit the Memorial Day Parade again this year with our friends and all their kids. The weather held out for us, and the kids were sort of stunned, intrigued and mystified by all the parade floats and costumes.

Stella was thrilled to have Scarlet and Nali, two of her dearest buds, play in our garden after the parade. It's cool to watch these kids grow together. They're so lucky to have one another.

Well, Good Afternoon

Phoebe was a little cautious the other day when she woke up to find Vinnie had snuck into her crib during her nap. (Of course, he looked at both of us like What's the Big Deal?)

She soon found the whole thing amusing.

Big Foot

Maurice Sendak would be tickled.

A Dream Perhaps?

What is she doing, you ask? What could this almost four year old be up to? Hmmmmmm......

... Happily doing the dishes! Yes, that's right, I might just be the luckiest girl in the world. My daughter likes to do the dishes. She asks almost everyday to help , and I must say she's darn tootin' thorough and tidy about it all. And get this, she's downright giddy as she does it. It's amazing how the combination of water, bubbles and an innate sense of purpose gives a kid (and a mama) a boost of happiness.


I'm grateful for new found quiet spots where books and cuddling are all that matter.

I'm grateful to the blur of joy that Stella spreads everywhere she goes.

(And the fact that a tutu skirt is always a good idea in her mind.)

I'm grateful for the fact that Phoebe knows what she wants and how to get it.

I'm grateful that Vinnie teaches our kids so much about love and empathy and that, for now, he's doing well (and is out of that humiliating cone).

I'm grateful that every morning before school, Stella and Phoebe end up painting for about forty minutes, giving me a chance to collect myself, clean up the morning mess and give us all a calm, centered and creative start to the day.

I'm grateful that Stella is such a genuinely loving big sister who naturally guides and protects Phoebe with such ease and compassion.

I'm grateful to live in a place where teaching children about nature, animals and Mama Earth is so darn easy.

I'm grateful for brave new steps that just a few months ago seemed daunting and impossible.

I'm grateful for this ebullient girl who told me the other day that "Love is a good thing in this world."

Amen, Stella. Amen.